
Version 3 (modified by Christo, 4 years ago) (diff)


Issue: 3

Version MinHW Date Done by Reason
01.00 2015/11/10 christo.malan First release
01.01 2016/02/02 christo.malan Add move to 50 when Pa is 0,Init to 125%
01.02 2016/06/28 christo.malan fix comms startup sync pulse
01.03 2016/07/11 christo.malan Add re init with 5% at limit (over drive by 5% when limit is hit)
02.01 2 2017/03/07 christo.malan Add over current new board
02.02 2 2017/05/16 christo.malan Update overcurrent detection and add overcurrent sdo
02.03 2 2017/05/22 christo.malan Fix 0 Pa 50% manual, move up and down
02.04 2 2018/04/12 christo.malan Add motor min and max,50% Manual on less than 5Pa
02.05 2 2018/09/14 christo.malan Init (reference motor) when < 4 Pa and and only control > 6 Pa,Deadband +-0.5 Pa
02.06 2 2018/10/02 christo.malan Wait 15s for low Pa reading before init and 50%,sample 500ms
02.07 2 2019/02/26 christo.malan Enable WDT
02.08 2 2019/02/27 christo.malan Extend 0Pa timeOut to 60s,Ave 20 Pa readings ~10s
02.09 2 2019/03/12 christo.malan Lower gain and reset rate startup defaults.
02.10 2 2019/03/27 christo.malan Slow down sample rate back to 1s Ave 10 readings ~10s
Make sensor comms more resilient:reset rx count at start end on timeout
wait for preamble byte
02.11 2 2019/04/01 christo.malan Sync Pa samples with MM coms, Fix Poll type 9 id xx error
02.12 2 2019/04/10 christo.malan PI Loop run miminum of 30 counts
Move to manual only if in manual mode
PI Deadband now +-1 Pa (2 Pa total)
Force a 0 Pa reading after 3 no response timeouts(compensate for sensor not sending 0 Pa readings)
02.13 2 2019/10/24 christo.malan For 0Pa, only init if not in manual
02.14 2 2019/01/23 christo.malan Add 26 sdo to change 50% Low Pa motor position, new default 100%.
02.15 2 2020/03/19 christo.malan Add BMS cmd,Clear OC flag before init,Fix pi loop indicating idle(when still controlling)
02.16 2 2020/06/12 christo.malan Not released
02.17 2 2020/07/10 christo.malan Refef with 10% if 2* step count was moved and a limit is reached
Add sdo 29 to set pressure for tests