Version MinHW Date Done by Reason
6.00 4 2011/11/22 mvdeventer New version 4 hardware
6.03 4 2012/12/05 mvdeventer Updates for Lighting Control with wired light switch
Only do I2C comms (occupancy and flow) when the slave comms is idle
6.04 4 2013/13/01 mvdeventer In chip Command Added again
Fix I2C comms sync
Add flow sensor functions
6.05 4 2013/26/02 mvdeventer Improve I2C occupancy comms
Enable WDT, was off for debug
Rework Flow averaging calculation
LightSwitchChipIn - send occupancy status PDO immediately
Add overide indication
Remove Stratification mode again
6.06 4 2013/26/02 mvdeventer Add sdo to read occupancy sensor identification info
6.07 4 2013/26/02 mvdeventer Disable motor before reboot, to ensure that all motor off during a software update
6.08 4 2013/05/22 mvdeventer Update bootloader to disable motor, to ensure that the motor is not drawing current in boot loader mode
Rework the watchdog timer
6.09 4 2013/05/22 mvdeventer Recalled control did not work
change occ sensitivity from 6 to 8
6.10 4 2014/02/24 mvdeventer Fix 6.09
Add intelligent (I2C) heater functionality, ensure the heater minimum on value is 10%
Add SDO 35 36 37 for flow control from MCU
6.11 4 2014/03/30 mvdeventer Add heater control bits, Control / Status heater control bits
Restore WDT
6.12 4 2014/06/06 mvdeventer Add Occupancy enable/disable(present) and Occupancy detected
Add Flow detected(sensor connected)
6.13 4 2014/06/06 mvdeventer Fix flow if no occupancy sensor is connected
6.14 4 2015/01/19 mvdeventer Correcty handle 0Pa reading from flow sensor
Don't do Control Override on Zone 0
6.15 4 2016/09/28 christo.malan Add heater control and other change over modes DM0073-0014
6.16 4 2017/11/13 mvdeventer Added valve control for 24VAC Valves
6.17 4 2019/07/25 christo.malan Stagger motor initialisation, prevent motors from hitting the endstop all at the same time (prevent power supply problems)
6.18 4 2019/11/19 christo.malan Add flow offset SDO
6.19 4 2020/02/17 mvdeventer Stability improvements for I2C code (Flow and Occupancy)
Rolling average on Flow/pressure value
Add software reset command for flow sensor error recovery
6.20 4 2020/04/02 christo.malan Remove flow updates from 6.19
Disable button if pressed at startup.
Add sdo to show if it is disabled
6.21 4 2020/06/22 christo.malan Add flow updates from 6.19
6.22 4 2020/07/24 christo.malan Clear flow connected flag if no sensor is connected
Add pressure test sdo 65
6.23 4 2021/03/18 christo.malan Add network lock(not used)
Remove OCC chip in
Save button disable state in flash
6.24 4 2021/04/09 christo.malan Network Lock release DM0073-0015
6.25 4 2021/07/07 christo.malan Add setting to report change over mode with a negative disk position. sdo 66
Make the changeover dead band a setting. sdo 66
Mirror disk position at changeover
6.26 4 2021/10/28 christo.malan Fix occupancy trigger (Not working since V6.23)
Remove - Mirror disk position at changeover added in V6.25
Hot start release DM0073-0018
6.27 4 2022/09/05 christo.malan Add led indication for broken comms packets
6.28 4 2022/12/05 martin.vdeventer Auto zoning implementation
6.29 4 2023/05/24 christo.malan Select the wallstat as the master if both onboard and wallstat are masters
Bootloader update for CODES CRC check
Last modified 11 months ago Last modified on 06/07/23 13:00:35