| 7 | ||01.04 || ||2018/04/09 ||christo.malan ||Remove re init \\Go to 50% on 5Pa or less \\Add motor min and max \\ |
| 8 | ||01.05 || || || ||skipped |
| 9 | ||01.06 || ||2018/11/01 ||christo.malan ||Init (reference motor) when < 4 Pa and and only control > 6 Pa \\Deadband +-0.5 Pa \\Wait 15s for low Pa reading before init and 50% \\ sample 500ms |
| 10 | ||01.07 || ||2019/04/01 ||christo.malan ||Extend 0Pa timeOut to 60s \\Ave 20 Pa readings ~10s \\Lower gain and reset rate startup defaults. \\Slow down sample rate back to 1s \\Ave 10 readings ~10s \\Make sensor comms more resilient |
| 11 | ||01.08 || ||2019/04/17 ||christo.malan ||Force a 0 Pa reading after 3 no response timeouts(compensate for sensor not sending 0 Pa readings) \\PI Loop run minimum of 30 counts \\PI Deadband now +-1 Pa (2 Pa total) |